DC-1230-C Class 100 Cleanroom Poly Gusseted Silicon Wafer Bags and Die Cut Separators ISO Class 5 - JPG-5322-1 Level 100 - 2Mil, 4Mil - 6”, 8”, 10” and 12”

Class 100 Cleanroom Poly Gusseted Silicon Wafer Bags and Die Cut Separators ISO Class 5 - JPG-5322-1 Level 100 - 2Mil, 4Mil - 6”, 8”, 10” and 12”

 DegageCorp. Low density, Cleanroom, Class100, ISO Class 5, black polyethylene, Carbon Loaded, Conductive, Silicon wafer liners and bags are extruded in a Class 5 cleanroom and die cut from sheeting into 6", 8", 10" and 12" circular wafer separators. Black conductive 105th Ohms/Sq. Bags are fabricated to cleanliness standard of JPG5322-1 Level 100 for the general cleanroom packaging of stacked wafers will meet Military Spec. Mil-P-82646A.

What Is JPG 5322.1G?    What Is MIL-PRF-82646 A?    BPA Free Guarantee    BSE TSE Animal Component Free Guarantee    Latex Free Guarantee

Physical Properties
Material Virgin Barefoot Class100 Polyethylene
Available As: Lay-Flat Tubing, Sheeting & Bags
Clarity: Transparent
Thickness: .002Mil - .008Mil


Film Properties ASTM Method Units Typical Value
Density   D-1505 g/cm3 0.920
Tensile Strength D-882 PSI
MD 2900
TD 2300
Elongation (Break) D-882 %
Dart Drop Impact   D-1709 Grams 80-100

Note: All values given are based on a 1.25mil thick film.


DegageCorp - CLEAR POLY BAGS, TUBING AND FILM.  Composition/Information on Ingredients

Low Density Polyethylene (Non-hazardous) 9002-88-4 Proprietary


EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: A clear or colored plastic film. Not considered hazardous under normal usage. Can release irritating and/or toxic vapors if involved in a fire.


SKIN: Contact with molten material will cause thermal burns.
EYES: Vapors, Fumes or Sprays which can form at elevated temperature can be an irritant.
INHALATION: Not hazardous at ambient temperatures: Vapors, Fumes or sprays which can form at elevated temperatures are irritants to the eyes and respiratory tract. 
INGESTION: NOT a route of exposure. An adverse reaction is not expected.
ENGINEERING CONTROLS: General room ventilation plus local exhaust at points of fume generation to maintain exposure below the PEL/TLV exposure limits.

SKIN PROTECTION: Not normally required. Use heat resistant gloves if handling melted material.
EYE PROTECTION: As a general practice in manufacturing areas, safety glasses that conform to ANSI Z87.1 should' be worn.
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Under normal usage, not normally required. A NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator should be worn in areas where the PEL/TLV is exceeded.

Occupational Exposure: Nuisance dust TLV: 10mg/m(ACGIH)

Ventilation: Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions.

Respritory Protection: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations to an acceptable level, an approved respirator must be worn. In the United States of America, if respirators are used, a program should be instituted to assure compliance with OSHA standards 29 CFR 1910.134. Respirator type: Dust Organic Vapor.

Eye Protection: Wear Goggles or a face Shield when working with molten materials.

Skin Protection: Wear thermally resistant gloves and long sleeves when handling a molten product.

Recommended Decontamination Facilities:  Eye Bath, Washing Facilities 


SPECIFIC GRAVITY (Water = 1.0) 0.90 - 0.92
SOLUBILITY IN WATER <"Weight %) Negligible
pH Not applicable
BOILING POINT Not applicable
MELTING POINT 100°C-120°C (212°F-248°F)
VAPOR PRESSURE Not applicable
VAPOR DENSITY (Air = 1.0) Not determined
COMPARED TO Not applicable
% VOLATILES Negligible
FLASH POINT > 343°C (650°F)


NORMALLY STABLE (CONDITIONS TO AVOID): Normally stable, Avoid exposure to open flame or temperatures exceeding recommended processing temperatures.
Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizing agents, acids, and bases.
HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Thermal decomposition products may include: caprolactam, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen Cyanide, and ammonia when exposed to extreme heat.
HAZARDOUS Polymerization: Will not occur.

TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMAITON: Toxicity data is limited. There has been no evidence of acute toxicity, Skin Senitization, or sub-acute subchronic toxicity as a result of repeated exposure.

OTHER DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS:Dispose of in compliance with Federal, state and local government regulations. Usually considered an inert package material that can be recycled-or land filled.

The information offered here is for the products shipped. Use and/or alterations to the product such as mixing with other materials may significantly change the characteristics of the material and alter the RCRA classification and proper disposal method.

US DOT ID#: Not applicable


TSCA INVENTORY STATUS: All components used to produce the above formulations-are listed on the TSCA Inventory.

OTHER TSCA issues: None

SARA TITLE III: In accordance with the provision of Title III, sections 311 & 312 of the Superfund amendmenments and authorization act, these products are not hazardous. These products do not contain Section 313 Reportable Ingredients.

California Prop 65: no reportable substances In Compliance 

CONEG: These products are in compliance with the heavy requirements of the Coalition of Northeastern Governors

Ozone Depleting Substances: None reportable, in compliance with 40 CFR 82. 

Carcinogenicity Classification ( Components present at 0.1% or more): None unless otherwise listed below:

IARC: (International Agency for Research on Cancer) None 

NTP: (National Toxicology Program) None 

European Hazardous Chemicals: None Reportable

DSL (Canadian Domestic Substances List): None Reportable

Other Information: 

For other information, contact Degage Corp. (972) 524 - 2979

(Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm - central standard time)
 It is your responsibility to determine that our product is safe, lawful, and technically suitable for your intended uses. This material safety data sheet cannot cover all possible situations which the user may experience during processing. Each aspect of the user’s operation should be examined to determine if, or where, additional precautions may be necessary. All health and safety information contained in this material safety data sheet should be provided to employees and/or customers. Degage Corp must rely on the user to use this information to develop appropriate work practice guidelines and employee instructional programs specific to the user’s operation.
 As the conditions and methods of use are beyond our control, we do not assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of these products. Information contained herein is believed to be true and accurate, but all statements or suggestions are made without warranty, expressed, or implied, regarding accuracy of the information, the hazards connected with the use of the material or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. Compliance with all applicable international, federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding the use, storage, sale, transport or disposal of this material is the responsibility of the user.
 Degage Corp. does not endorse or claim suitability of its product for any particular use. Degage Corp. MAKES NO
WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AS TO ITS LDPE RESINS. Degage Corp. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE SUITABILITY OR FITNESS OF ANY Degage Corp. PRODUCT FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE. Degage Corp's liability and your exclusive remedy for any claim arising out of the sales of its products are expressly limited at Degage Corp's option to replacement of non-performing goods or payment not to exceed the purchase price plus transportation charges thereon in respect to any material which damage is proven and claimed.
 The information in this MSDS is valid for cited regulations published as of the date this document was prepared, as shown on page 1. Updates may be prepared as the regulations are amended or pending revised information about the resin. It is the customer’s responsibility to seek updated regulatory information on any specific resin.

Cleanroom Wafer Bags - Class 100 Wafer Bags - Cleanroom Packaging - Class 100 Wafer Separators - Cleanroom LDPE - Class 100 LDPE